Take the ads off The Plain.

The most dangerous roundabout in Oxford is made more dangerous by adverts.Help get them removed.


The only purpose of ads is to distract.

If an advert isn't distracting then it isn't working.A distracted driver is a dangerous driver.No other roundabout in Oxford has adverts.


The Plain is a danger zone.

Dr Ling Felce was killed at The Plain three years ago.The adverts stand next to the 'ghost bike' in her memory.Many people never dare to cycle across The Plain.


Ads disfigure Oxford's history.

The Plain is in a conservation area at the approach to Magdalen Bridge.Commercial advertising disrespects the roundabout's history as a burial ground.And the adverts detract from the restored Victoria Fountain.

Take action.

1. CLICK HERE TO OBJECT and choose 'Effect on traffic'
(you can give your street address without a number)
or email [email protected] (reference 24/03019/CT3) by Friday 7 March 20252. Ask your CITY councillors to refuse the application.
Find your councillors by entering your postcode at WriteToThem.com
3. Remind your COUNTY councillor of Oxfordshire's commitment to Vision Zero: no more death or injury on our roads.

The ghost bike at The Plain commemorating Dr Ling Felce